Eco Together – Summer Success at the Eco Hub

August 20, 2024

Witton Lodge Community Association recently supported the success of the second cohort of Eco Together, an eco-educational programme for adults in the local community, run by local resident Pauline Brown who is committed to supporting the environment.

The community-led programme has been designed to encourage participants to discover and share ways they can make small, impactful changes in their everyday lives. It offers information on key areas contributing to climate change and environmental issues.

This second cohort was developed on the success of the original Eco Together group that was spearheaded by local resident Stephanie Boyle and programme facilitator, Paul Tse of WLCA.

Group leader Pauline, joined by Paul as facilitator, stressed the importance of these initiatives that work to improve our communities through small environmental improvements. By taking the time to speak to people and meet local residents to share knowledge and advice, can be a catalyst towards positive change.

WLCA was delighted to host the Eco Together programme from Witton Lakes Eco Hub and it was a great success with the amazing group of community focused eco activists, who enjoyed the environmentally conscious space and the beautiful serenity of the grounds and surrounding park. Launched in April 2022, the eco-friendly community venue offers a vast array of services and groups for local residents to use, and it provides the ideal setting to learn ways to make a positive change to our environment.

The most recent course began in May 2024 for ten weeks and concluded with a celebratory certificate presentation from Linda Hines, MBE, Chair of Witton Lodge Community Association.

Members of the group shared their excitement about completing the programme, providing positive feedback on the success of this initiative. Their enthusiasm highlights the impact of the Eco Together course in fostering a sense of community and commitment to environmental action.

Congratulations to everyone that participated in the second successful Eco Together programme. Witton Lodge Community Association is proud to support this important community initiative.

Take a look at the photos of our second cohort of eco warriors below!

“I’ve enjoyed focusing on different topics each week as this has made me think about areas I haven’t done before.”

Linda Hines MBE, Reisdent Director/ Chair of WLCA with Eco Together group attendee.

“There were many interesting speakers, I would like more courses like this!”

Linda Hines MBE, Reisdent Director/ Chair of WLCA with Eco Together group attendee.

“It was great to meet likeminded eco-warriors.”

Linda Hines MBE, Resident Director/ Chair at WLCA with Eco Together group attendee

“This programme encouraged me to use the bus more!”

Linda Hines MBE, Resident Director/ Chair at WLCA with Eco Together group attendee


Eco Together cohort 2 pictured with Linda Hines MBE, Resident Director/ Chair at the Eco Hub