Support For Local Songwriters
The region’s budding songwriters are invited to fine-tune their skills at a special event being held as a pre-cursor to the next Track Friday music show.
Dellano Lewis, Employment Worker at Witton Lodge Community Association, is co-ordinating a songwriting session on Friday 28th May.
The event, to be held live on digital platform Zoom, will feature a number of local artists and performers sharing their experience as writers to help those with ambitions of becoming the next Ed Sheeran or Taylor Swift.
Dellano’s alter-ego, BeeNiice will be hosting the event with music from DJ Gaz H.
The songwriting session runs from 3-5pm and will include a range of activities where prizes can be won.
To take part just click on the link below and enter the password ‘event.’
Discussions are currently taking place to stage the live music show, Track Friday 5, in late Summer. More details will be released shortly.
For more information call Dellano on 07539 206727 or email