Ron’s Digit-All Lifeline
Our own IT lending library – Digit-All – is proving to be a lifeline for local residents who have become isolated due to the impact of the Coronavirus pandemic.
Launched to help keep people engaged and connected with loved ones and assist with tasks in their daily lives, the service has been hailed ‘irreplaceable’ by one local pensioner.
Seventy-five-year old Erdington resident Ron recently borrowed a tablet from Digit-All. He said using the device has made a positive difference to his everyday life and general wellbeing.
“I used to use a computer in my room but that just kept me in a confined space all day, which got me feeling down,” he said.
“With the tablet I borrowed I can use it in any room in the house which doesn’t restrict my movement and gives me the opportunity to do other things while I have it on.”
Ron has used his new device to take part in a number of (Witton Lodge) health and wellbeing support sessions on Zoom and says it allows him to be more engaged in activities.
“In my room on the computer, there was no leg room or space to move around,” he said.
“But now I can take part in online exercise classes and feel the benefits of doing such an activity.”
He added the tablet also makes it easier for him to keep updated on current affairs and local news.
“It has been a big help, without it I would have continued to feel isolated,” said Ron.
“I use the tablet to check the news and to do word searches and other games that help me pass the time and keep positive.”
Paul Tse, Flourishing Community Development Officer for Witton Lodge, manages the Digit-All service.
“The idea behind our lending library was to help people connect with their families and friends, access those services which can support their needs and improve their skills and confidence,” he said.
“For people like Ron to feel the benefits in such a personal way is very uplifting and makes us feel proud the service is working in the way we intended it to.”
If you would like to know more about Digit-All and how you can borrow equipment to support your needs please call Paul on 0121 382 1930/07875 292513.