Network Scheme Support Extended to Help the Elderly and Vulnerable

July 12, 2022

A relaunch event to celebrate the extension of the Erdington Neighbourhood Network Scheme (ENNS) drew an enthusiastic crowd of more than 20 local organisations.

Yesterday’s showcase, held at The Sanctuary in Castle Vale, also put the spotlight on younger adults, with funding now available to support people aged 18-49 who suffer with long term disability.

Established in 2019, ENNS is a community based, locally-led network of organisations supporting older adults to live independent and connected lives.

Bringing together voluntary, community and social enterprise sector groups, ENNS has so far distributed close to £250,000 worth of funding to organisations which help the over 50s to live independent and connected lives.

Erdington NNS lead, Debbie Bates, said: “Witton Lodge Community Association and Compass Support have been working in partnership to cultivate a support network of organisations and agencies to establish a portfolio of resources which can deliver the solutions older people require to overcome challenges like poor physical and emotional health.

“It provides investment to support the creation and development of activity which targets those individuals and organisations who identified as vulnerable.”

Funding is available to establish activities and support services which benefit the health and wellbeing of local resident. Under the scheme’s Small Grants Programme people can apply for up to £10,000.

With the news that ENNS has been extended for a further five years,  funding support has also been extended to help organisations which support younger adults, aged 18-49; those with additional needs.

“Targeting those who have long-term disabilities which mean they require care and support, money will be made available to assist those with a learning disability, physical disability, autism, mental health difficulties, sensory loss or impairment,” added Debbie

The aim of the ENNS is to increase the number of disabled adults and older people who are participating in, or supported by, community activities or groups in their neighbourhood and in doing so achieve one or more of the outcomes below.

  • Increased Social Participation
  • Healthier Lifestyles
  • Maximised Income
  • Housing which supports independence
  • Carers feel more supported

For more information and a funding application pack, call Chantelle Holmes on 0121 382 1930 or email: