Jobs Fair Boosts Employers and Job Seekers
Some of North Birmingham’s leading employers and training providers were showcasing opportunities in administration during a Jobs Fair at Perry Common Community Hall.
The event, co-ordinated by the North Birmingham Recovery Task Force, gave local job seekers the chance to speak directly to organisations like Balfour Beatty, Babington and The Nishkam Centre.
With a wide range of roles available, the event proved to be a success for both those looking for work and those with vacancies to fill.
Victoria Phillips from Balfour Beatty said: “It was very productive, I had a number of quality conservations with candidates and was able to give people an insight into both the company and roles in construction.”
Jagtar Mohr from the Nishkam Centre added: “There is great value in having events like this in a small contained venue like Perry Common Community Hall as it makes people feel more relaxed and offers more personal engagement.”
Other providers to attend yesterday’s Fair included Birmingham Metropolitan College and Protocol.
One Erdington job seeker who attended the event in the hope of finding employment said she had learned something new.
“I didn’t know there was so many different roles available in administration,” she said.
“Talking to employers gave me valuable information to help me look for the right job that suits me.”
Meanwhile, Jobeda Shahed, Co-ordinator for the North Birmingham Recovery Task Force, said similar workshop events are on the way.
“This was the second jobs fair we have delivered and both have been very successful in giving employers a platform from which to showcase their opportunities and job seekers the chance to explore and apply for live vacancies they might not have been aware of previously,” she said.
“The next jobs fair will take place in May and full details will follow shortly.”