Employment and Skills Webinar Looks at Adult Education Budget Provision
Organisations looking to develop Adult Education Budget (AEB) provision are invited to attend an Employment Skills Webinar on March 2nd delivered by Witton lodge Community Association and West Midlands Combined Authority’s Adult Education Budget lead.
The webinar will focus on how Witton Lodge Community Association successfully delivers AEB funded provision and share their experiences and good practices.
Business Development and Performance Manager, Iram Fardus, said: “We have been delivering Adult Education Budget provision for six years.
“There are not many providers from the Voluntary Community Faith & Social Enterprise community delivering mainstream AEB for West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA).”
The Webinar will enable partners to hear first-hand from Witton Lodge about their experience. The session, which starts at 1pm, will cover:
· How the provision came to fruition
· Their delivery model and the provision they are delivering
· The technical aspects of delivery – Guided Learning hours (GLH), Individual Learner Records (ILR), payment
· Quality Assurance, reporting and audit
· The resources needed for delivery
· Support provided by WMCA
· Learning and development
It’s an opportunity for partners to learn how to develop their employment and skills delivery. It will be particularly helpful to those with ambitions to deliver AEB provision. It is understood that WMCA is keen to have more community-based provision and we are anticipating a procurement at some point.
The webinar starts at 1pm and finishes at 2pm. Please note that the webinar joining details will not be by the normal Teams joining details but will be by Zoom on this occasion. The joining details is:
Click below for more details and to book