Outstanding Achievement For Witton Lodge Community Association

July 16, 2019

Witton Lodge Community Association (WLCA) has achieved ISO 9001 Quality Management System Certification, recognition which demonstrates the organisation’s commitment to continuous improvement.

The Association has, in recent months, conducted a thorough review of its internal processes to create a quality management system that is capable of consistently delivering a service that both meets and exceeds the clients’ needs and expectations.

This system was recently audited by QMS International, following which, certification was issued.

Employment and Skills Development Manager for WLCA, Iram Fardus, said: “This is a massive achievement for Witton Lodge Community Association.

“ISO 9001 is by far the world’s most established quality framework and sets the standard not only for quality management systems but management systems in general.

“We are always striving for continuous improvement and achievement through enhanced client satisfaction.”

Being ISO9001 certified means that WLCA now operates using ISO guidelines and will be regularly reviewed to ensure a consistent approach is maintained.

“At Witton Lodge Community Association we are extremely proud of our ISO9001 certification as it underlines our commitment to our clients and our ability to provide them with a service of real excellence,” adds Iram.

“Being certified ensures we remain coherent with our overall objectives which will include a constant review of our processes to ensure they are efficient and effective.

“We also recognise that our staff are our greatest asset and we will continue to invest in their training and development so they are empowered to achieve their full potential and work towards our objectives on a united front.”