A Generous Harvest Festival
It’s Harvest Festival Season and as always, the residents at our Sycamore Court Extra Care Scheme have been treated to an array of goodies – all generously donated by students and their families at Wilson Stuart School.
As you can see in the photo, there was so much food that it filled two of the largest desks in our office – that’s a lot of food!
Paul was delighted to be invited to the Harvest Festival at the school and was presented with boxes of food for the residents. Wilson Stuart School in Perry Common Road donate an array of goodies every year, with generous donations also being made to local foodbanks.
It really was a fantastic selection of goodies, with everything from tinned soups and vegetables, baked beans, tinned fruit, fish, pasta and pasta sauce, home-baking cake mixes, cakes, biscuits and lots more. There was even a selection of fresh onions (always useful), fresh courgettes, apples – and one very talented person has even made their own ‘Green Tomato Chutney’. It filled one of the big desks in our office!
The residents of Sycamore Court have asked me to say a big Thank You to everyone who donated and to Wilson Stuart School for once again thinking about them.