Ebere Has Face Masks Covered for Perry Common Residents
With Coronavirus lockdown restrictions having been eased in recent weeks one Perry Common woman is urging local residents to remain cautious and wear face masks when venturing out.
Ebere Benson-Ezeh has been making her own masks for a couple of months now, made from cotton and polyester so they are washable and reusable.
Her masks have been selling online to customers around the UK as well as in America, Belgium and Poland.
She said she was prompted to create the face coverings after speaking with Father Simon Ellis, Parish Priest at St Margaret Mary Church.
“I’ve known Father Simon for a while as I’ve helped out at the church in the past with clothes alterations,” she said.
“He knows about my sewing business, making clothes and teaching others how to be creative with their hands.
“One day we were talking and he asked if I’d thought about making face masks to help local residents during the current lockdown.”
Ebere, who runs her own teaching academy, said the masks should be used appropriately.
“I would urge people who go out to use the face masks with caution and with wisdom,” she said.
“They are made from washable material so you can use them over and again.”
So far, Ebere says she has made over 500 masks. They currently sell at £4 each.
For details please call her on 07446 182458.